Pink splashes on linoleum—
mix of overripe peach juice and blood
drawn by my single sharp knife.
The gods must be hungry to force-
shift a blade, demand a taste
of the last fresh fruit until payday.



I am a tiny trickle. My fingers
sneak into bedrock’s cracks,
tickle pebbles until they laugh,
rolling back and forth. I feed
rivers. Bathe thirsty throats.
I lick foundations into jigsaw
jumbles. I grow arms,
push cleft basalt cliffs apart.

JANNA KNITTEL (use name) is the author of Real Work (Nodin, 2022), a finalist for the 2023 Minnesota Book Award in poetry, and the chapbook Fish & Wild Life (Finishing Line, 2018). Janna has also published poems in Blueline, Constellations, North Dakota Quarterly, Pleiades, The Trumpeter, and The Wild Word.

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